A Tip for a Trip (A Lovely Walk) – The Koseze Pond (sl. Koseški bajer)

img_7164Winter is almost upon us – the days are getting shorter and shorter and colder and colder, and there is hardly a week without some kind of precipitation. Despite the bad weather, I always look for ways to cheer up my afternoons and I always look for friendly walking paths in the area for moms with strollers. My plan is to spend as much time as possible time with Brina in the fresh air. Before I set out on our short trips I always wonder about these things:

– Is the path appropriate for a stroller?

– Is there a spot to have some rest and have my coffee?

– Will I find a spot to feed Brina and change her diaper?



Recently I was taking a walk in the Koseze area in Ljubljana, specifically the path surrounding the Koseze Pond, the artificial lake in the outskirts of Ljubljana. The area is rich in its fauna – swans, frogs, numerous amphibians, dragonflies and birds for children to enjoy.


The Pond is also a home for fish, such as carps and sheatfish. Sometimes you can spot a water rat near the shore, and though they resemble a giant rat, you should not be frightened. Yet, in the summer, you can easily walk into a swarm of mosquitos.


The Pond itself is not appropriate for swimming, since the water is dirty, but it does have a lovely walking path around the pond with a few wooden platforms and a lookout pier with enough benches to have some rest and feed your baby in peace with the surrounding trees and bushes offering some privacy.


The path around the Pond is relatively short, perhaps under a kilometre, but there is another path nearby to continue your walk, if you want to – the Path of Remembrance and Comradeship (sl. PST).


This location is also appropriate for people with small children, who are already running around. The area is also equipped with a children’s playground, while moms and dads can try out and firm their bodies on the outdoor fitness equipment nearby the Pond and the PST path.


If the winter is cold enough the little lake usually freezes over and it becomes a popular natural skating rink. I highly recommend it!


PATH: ✔️ partially concrete, partially macadam, appropriate for strollers and small children

PARKING: ✔️ enough parking spots in area (free of charge)

BAR: ✔️ nearby

Kam na sprehod – Koseški bajer


Zima že počasi trka na naša vrata, dnevi so vse krajši in krajši pa tudi vse hladnejši in skoraj ne mine teden, da ne bi deževalo. A da si kljub kislemu vremenu popestrim marsikatero dopoldne, vseskozi v bližini iščem sprehajalne poti, ki so prijazne mamicam z vozički, saj želim z Brino preživeti čim več časa na svežem zraku. Še preden se odpravim na potep, se mi porajajo vedno ista vprašanja:

– Ali bo pot primerna za vožnjo z vozičkom?

– Se bom lahko ustavila in popila kavo?

– Bom lahko na poti nahranila in previla Brino?

img_7177Tokrat sem se potepala po ljubljanskih Kosezah oziroma natančneje okoli Koseškega bajerja, ki je umetno jezerce na obrobju Ljubljane, kjer bodo otroci navdušeni predvsem nad labodi, videli pa boste lahko tudi žabe, številne dvoživke, kačje pastirje in druge ptice.

img_7170V bajerju se skrivajo ribe kot so krapi in somi, na obrežju lahko srečate tudi kakšno nutrijo, ki naj vas ne prestraši, čeprav po izgledu spominja na veliko podgano. Poleti pa vam lahko sprehod zagreni, da ne rečem zasrbi, tudi kakšen roj komarjev.

img_7165Okoli bajerja, ki zaradi umazanije sicer ni primerno za kopanje, je lepa, urejena sprehajalna pot, kjer je tudi nekaj lesenih ploščadi in razgledni pomol ter dovolj klopi, da se lahko usedete in v miru nahranite svojega otroka, saj drevesa in grmičevje nudi zadostno intimo.img_7168

Pot okoli bajerja je relativno kratka, slab kilometer, a je sprehod možno nadaljevati po Poti spominov in tovarištva (PST), ki je v neposredni bližini.

img_7180Lokacija je primerna tudi za tiste z majhnimi otroki, ki že sami veselo tekajo naokoli, saj so ob bajerju postavljena otroška igrala, mamice in seveda tudi očki pa lahko učvrstite svojo postavo tudi na zunanjih fitnes napravah, ki so postavljene v bližini jezerca in tudi ob PST-ju. img_7206

Sredi dovolj mrzle zime običajno jezerce tudi zamrzne in tako postane priljubljeno naravno drsališče. Priporočam!


POT: delno beton, delno makadam, primerna za sprehod z vozičkom in majhnimi otroki

PARKIRIŠČE : dovolj parkirnih mest v okolici (brezplačno)

BAR:  v bližini